Family and friends are precious blessings. They hold immense significance in our lives while they are with us, and their absence is deeply felt when they pass away. These remarkable individuals often leave a lasting impact on us, making it our responsibility to remember and honor them. That is why we invite you to join Olive Branch Community Church in commemorating these special individuals throughout the year. Whether it's during Black History Month, on their birthday or anniversary, on Mother's Day, Father's Day, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, or any other occasion, you can contribute to this Memorial Stone Wall by adding their name.
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Adolph, Joseph | Chenier, Naomi | Gilmore, Kiara | Ingram, Ventris | McCorkle, Charles | Robertson, Carole | West, Mary |
Adolph, Myrtle Elizabeth | Christensen, Mary K. | Grady, Joanne | Jackson, Cornelia Mae | McCorkle, Margaret | Robinson, Ann M. | Whetstone, Freeman |
Alexander, Harrison | Christian, Sarah Jane | Graham, Dorothy | Jackson, Susie | McCorkle, Steven | Robinson, Carl Francis | Whitaker, Chester Mack |
Alexander, Harrison Ronald | Chubbs, Rev.Dr. Howard Allen | Grimes Sr., Allen Ray | Jefferson, Joyce | McCorkle, Wilson | Robinson, Irene | Whitaker, Hazel Lee |
Alexander, Lula Bell | Clark, Augusta Alexander | Gross, Etha Simmons | Jenkins, Carrie | Mcghee, Kenneth W. | Robinson, Irene Brown | White, Alex |
Alfred, Rev. Joe Charles | Clark, Leroy | Gunner, Janice Diane | Johnson Sr., Elwood Kenneth | McLellan Jr., Robert Lee | Rowe, Gloria | White, William |
Allen, Beverly | Clarke, John Henrik | Hall, Dorothy Smith | Johnson, Dorothy Evelyn Wilson | McNair, Denise | Sagatelian, Anna | Whittaker, Clarence Edward |
Arledge, Douglas | Clay, Calvin E. | Hammonds, Norman | Johnson, Dorothy Wilson | Mgwani, Terri Sheppard | Sanders, Frettie Mae | Whittaker, Clarence Wdward |
Arledge, Harold (ELDER) | Clemmons, Mother Clara Cantrell | Hand, Richard | Johnson, Elwood Kenneth | Middleton-Doctor, Rev. Depayne | Sanders, Tywanza | Wiggins, Joe Richard |
Arni, Donald Wayne | Cobeen, Richard | Harrison, Eileen | Johnson, Minnie Ola | Miller, Michael | Setton, Michele | Wiggins, Yvonne |
Austin, Janice | Coleman-Singleton, Rev. Sharonda | Harrison, Gregory | Johnson, Mother Laverne | Mitchem, Ruth Cassels | Shelby, Calip | Wilkerson Sr., Thomas George |
Bailey, Sharon | Coleman, Pinkie | Harrison, Larry | Johnson, Oscar Lee | Montgomery, Almetha Jones | Sheppard, Addie Davis | Williams, Christine Spicer |
Baker Sr., Jimmy | Collins, Addie Mae | Henson, Josiah | Johnson, Samuel Lee | Moon, Jaie | Sheppard, Danny Ray | Williams, Essie Mae |
Baker, Cornelia | Colson, Jimmy | Hill, EllaC. | Jones-Bonneau, Marcia Faye | Moore, Drusilla | Sheppard, Lemarque | Williams, Harriet |
Baker, Evelyn Juaquatta | Colson, Sr., Fred | Hill, Juanita Sweat | Jones-Thomas, Joyce Elaine | Moore, Fitzgerald | Simmons, Constance Rachel | Williams, Irene Hinton |
Baker, Gwendolyn | Cotter, Michael | Hill, Maggie Elizabeth | Jones, Anita Louise | Moore, LaVerne Jackson | Simmons, Rev.Daniel L. | Williams, Louise Hinton |
Barnett, Annie Mae | Covington, Emma | Hill, Sr.Walter | Jones, Edward | Moore, Oscar Adolphus | Simpson, Dr. Cohen Thomas | Williams, Mary Ann |
Barnett, Sophie Amelia | Covington, Gladys | Hill, Virginia M. | Jones, Lucilee Hope | Morgan, CoraA. | Simpson, Myrtle Chenier | Williams, Nelson |
Beamon, Arthur | Covington, Jr., John Henry | Hills, Benjamin F. | Jones, Warren Anthony | Morgan, Leon Roger | Slay, Calvin E. | Williams, Rev. Andrew |
Blakeley, James | Covington, Lillie Ann | Hinton-Martin, Naomi Spicer | Keaton, Earnestine | Morris, Blondelia S. | Slocum, Harold | Williams, Vera Frances |
Blakemore, Blake | Covington, Mattie Mae | Hinton, John Otto | Kelly Sr., Frank | Mosby, Darlene | Slocum, Tommy | Wilson-Hutchinson, Ozena Oates |
Bonneau, Marcia Faye Jones | Covington, Roscoe Alexander | Hinton, Shirley Ann | Kelly, Dr.Ronald | Mosby, Douglas | Smith Sr., Leroy | Wilson, Almus |
Bookhart, Robert | Covington, Sr., John Henry | Holly, Helena | Kelly, Lucy Callens | Mosby, Kenneth | Smith, Claudia J. | Wilson, Bobby |
Bowden, Robert | Covington, Virgie Lee | Holmes, Annie | Kelly, Mary | Mosby, William | Smith, Effie | Wilson, Helen |
Boyd Sr., Henry Clifford | Craft, Raymond | Horsey, Maddie | Kelly, Ronald | Neely, William | Smith, Effie White | Wilson, Junie Mae |
Boyd, Doris Middlebrooks | Crocker, Evelyn Boykins | Howard, Annabelle Kent | Kirkland Sr., Davis | Nelson, Naomi | Smith, Evelyn | Wilson, Mary Lee |
Boyd, Flossie Richardson | Crockett, Karen Aleta Kyle | Howard, Rev.Thomas David | Kyle, Mary Dean Alexander | Newbill, Wiburn McKinley | Smith, James Franklin | Wilson, Moses |
Boyd, Hank | Davis Jr., Clarence | Hurd, Cynthia | Kyle, Nicholas Earl | Nicholas, McCalister H. | Smith, Ozelle Evie | Wilson, Viola Jones |
Boyd, Hank | Davis-Hooker, Charslyn Olivia | Hutchinson, Ozena O.W. | Lampkin, Leontyne | Nixon, Julia McGirt | Solomos, Harry Charles | Wojcik, Elaine Lee |
Boyd, Ida-LeeTyler | Davis, Addie Mae Smith | Hutchinson, Raymond | Lance, Ethe lLee | Oates Stephens, Mary Margaret | Spicer, George Jerome | Young, Manolia Davis |
Boyd, Ruby Castle | Davis, Almeta | Ingram, Ventris | McCorkle, Charles | Robertson, Carole | West, Mary | |
Brewer, Samuel | Davis, Melvin Lee | Jackson, Cornelia Mae | McCorkle, Margaret | Robinson, Ann M. | Whetstone, Freeman | |
Brown, John D. | Dawley, Si Douglas | Jackson, Susie | McCorkle, Steven | Robinson, Carl Francis | Whitaker, Chester Mack | |
Brown, Jussani McKoy | Decker, Dolly Eugenia Clara | Jefferson, Joyce | McCorkle, Wilson | Robinson, Irene | Whitaker, Hazel Lee | |
Brown, Nan P. | Decker, Joseph Ocieta Sylvanus | Jenkins, Carrie | Mcghee, Kenneth W. | Robinson, Irene Brown | White, Alex | |
Buckner Sr., Oscar Charles | Devance, Marian | Johnson Sr., Elwood Kenneth | McLellan Jr., Robert Lee | Rowe, Gloria | White, William | |
Buckner, Donald Raymond | Dowdy, Jr., Lewis Carnegie | Johnson, Dorothy Evelyn Wilson | McNair, Denise | Sagatelian, Anna | Whittaker, Clarence Edward | |
Buckner, Oscar C. | Dowdy, Sr., Lemuel Wallace | Johnson, Dorothy Wilson | Mgwani, Terri Sheppard | Sanders, Frettie Mae | Whittaker, Clarence Wdward | |
Buckner, Susie Jones | Durant, Mayme | Johnson, Elwood Kenneth | Middleton-Doctor, Rev. Depayne | Sanders, Tywanza | Wiggins, Joe Richard | |
Buie Daniels, Aleta | East, Mary | Johnson, Minnie Ola | Miller, Michael | Setton, Michele | Wiggins, Yvonne | |
Buie Leonard, Eva Mae | Edwards, Herbert Oliver | Johnson, Mother Laverne | Mitchem, Ruth Cassels | Shelby, Calip | Wilkerson Sr., Thomas George | |
Buie Staton, Atha Lee | Edwards, Sr, Ramon Mark | Johnson, Oscar Lee | Montgomery, Almetha Jones | Sheppard, Addie Davis | Williams, Christine Spicer | |
Buie, Catherine Oates | Evans, Connie Hunt | Johnson, Samuel Lee | Moon, Jaie | Sheppard, Danny Ray | Williams, Essie Mae | |
Buie, Denise | Evans, Walter James | Jones-Bonneau, Marcia Faye | Moore, Drusilla | Sheppard, Lemarque | Williams, Harriet | |
Buie, Erastus James | Farmer Sr., Raymond | Jones-Thomas, Joyce Elaine | Moore, Fitzgerald | Simmons, Constance Rachel | Williams, Irene Hinton | |
Buie, Ervin James | Farmer, Willie | Jones, Anita Louise | Moore, LaVerne Jackson | Simmons, Rev.Daniel L. | Williams, Louise Hinton | |
Buie, Jr., Rev Dr. Sampson | Finlayson, Patricia Glenn | Jones, Edward | Moore, Oscar Adolphus | Simpson, Dr. Cohen Thomas | Williams, Mary Ann | |
Buie, Kayla Alexis | Fisher, John | Jones, Lucilee Hope | Morgan, CoraA. | Simpson, Myrtle Chenier | Williams, Nelson | |
Buie, Maggie McGirt | Fisher, Jonathan | Jones, Warren Anthony | Morgan, Leon Roger | Slay, Calvin E. | Williams, Rev. Andrew | |
Buie, Sandy Alexander | Fisher, Martha | Keaton, Earnestine | Morris, Blondelia S. | Slocum, Harold | Williams, Vera Frances | |
Buie, Sr., Sampson | Foster, Lucy Kelly | Kelly Sr., Frank | Mosby, Darlene | Slocum, Tommy | Wilson-Hutchinson, Ozena Oates | |
BuieCampbell, EvaMae | Foster, Mae Frances | Kelly, Dr.Ronald | Mosby, Douglas | Smith Sr., Leroy | Wilson, Almus | |
Butler, Odell Donald | Foster, Shelby L. | Kelly, Lucy Callens | Mosby, Kenneth | Smith, Claudia J. | Wilson, Bobby | |
Cameron, Rev. Samuel Stewart | Fountain, LTC George | Kelly, Mary | Mosby, William | Smith, Effie | Wilson, Helen | |
Campbell, Dakotah Lee | Fox, Krystil Angelique | Kelly, Ronald | Neely, William | Smith, Effie White | Wilson, Junie Mae | |
Carter, Alicetine | Foxx, Bobby Lee | Kirkland Sr., Davis | Nelson, Naomi | Smith, Evelyn | Wilson, Mary Lee | |
Carter, James L. | Franklin, Maxine G. | Kyle, Mary Dean Alexander | Newbill, Wiburn McKinley | Smith, James Franklin | Wilson, Moses | |
Carter, Viola | Funderburk, Johnnie | Kyle, Nicholas Earl | Nicholas, McCalister H. | Smith, Ozelle Evie | Wilson, Viola Jones | |
Carter, William | Funderburk, Noph | Lampkin, Leontyne | Nixon, Julia McGirt | Solomos, Harry Charles | Wojcik, Elaine Lee | |
Chenier, Charles | Gilliam, Evelyn Smith | Lance, Ethe lLee | Oates Stephens, Mary Margaret | Spicer, George Jerome | Young, Manolia Davis |
Adolph, Joseph
Adolph, Myrtle Elizabeth
Alexander, Harrison
Alexander, Harrison Ronald
Alexander, Lula Bell
Alfred, Rev. Joe Charles
Allen, Beverly
Arledge, Douglas
Arledge, Harold (ELDER)
Arni, Donald Wayne
Austin, Janice
Bailey, Sharon
Baker Sr., Jimmy
Baker, Cornelia
Baker, Evelyn Juaquatta
Baker, Gwendolyn
Barnett, Annie Mae
Barnett, Sophie Amelia
Beamon, Arthur
Blakeley, James
Blakemore, Blake
Bonneau, Marcia Faye Jones
Bookhart, Robert
Bowden, Robert
Boyd, Doris Middlebrooks
Boyd, Flossie Richardson
Boyd, Hank
Boyd Sr., Henry Clifford
Boyd, Ida-LeeTyler
Boyd, Ruby Castle
Brewer, Samuel
Brown, John D.
Brown, Jussani McKoy
Brown, Nan P.
Buckner Sr., Oscar Charles
Buckner, Donald Raymond
Buckner, Oscar C.
Buckner, Susie Jones
Buie Daniels, Aleta
Buie Leonard, Eva Mae
Buie Staton, Atha Lee
Buie, Catherine Oates
Buie, Denise
Buie, Erastus James
Buie, Ervin James
Buie, Jr., Rev Dr. Sampson
Buie, Kayla Alexis
Buie, Maggie McGirt
Buie, Sandy Alexander
Buie, Sr., Sampson
BuieCampbell, EvaMae
Butler, Odell Donald
Cameron, Rev. Samuel Stewart
Campbell, Dakotah Lee
Carter, Alicetine
Carter, James L.
Carter, Viola
Carter, William
Chenier, Charles
Chenier, Naomi
Christensen, Mary K.
Christian, Sarah Jane
Chubbs, Rev.Dr. Howard Allen
Clark, Augusta Alexander
Clark, Leroy
Clarke, John Henrik
Clay, Calvin E.
Clemmons, Mother Clara Cantrell
Cobeen, Richard
Coleman-Singleton, Rev. Sharonda
Coleman, Pinkie
Collins, Addie Mae
Colson, Jimmy
Colson, Sr., Fred
Cotter, Michael
Covington, Emma
Covington, Gladys
Covington, Jr., John Henry
Covington, Lillie Ann
Covington, Mattie Mae
Covington, Roscoe Alexander
Covington, Sr., John Henry
Covington, Virgie Lee
Craft, Raymond
Crocker, Evelyn Boykins
Crockett, Karen Aleta Kyle
Davis Jr., Clarence
Davis-Hooker, Charslyn Olivia
Davis, Addie Mae Smith
Davis, Almeta
Davis, Melvin Lee
Dawley, Si Douglas
Decker, Dolly Eugenia Clara
Decker, Joseph Ocieta Sylvanus
Devance, Marian
Dowdy, Jr., Lewis Carnegie
Dowdy, Sr., Lemuel Wallace
Durant, Mayme
East, Mary
Edwards, Herbert Oliver
Edwards, Sr, Ramon Mark
Evans, Connie Hunt
Evans, Walter James
Farmer Sr., Raymond
Farmer, Willie
Finlayson, Patricia Glenn
Fisher, John
Fisher, Jonathan
Fisher, Martha
Foster, Lucy Kelly
Foster, Mae Frances
Foster, Shelby L.
Fountain, LTC George
Fox, Krystil Angelique
Foxx, Bobby Lee
Franklin, Maxine G.
Funderburk, Johnnie
Funderburk, Noph
Gilliam, Evelyn Smith
Gilmore, Kiara
Grady, Joanne
Graham, Dorothy
Grimes Sr., Allen Ray
Gross, Etha Simmons
Gunner, Janice Diane
Gunner, Janice Diane
Hall, Dorothy Smith
Hammonds, Norman
Hand, Richard
Harrison, Eileen
Harrison, Gregory
Harrison, Larry
Henson, Josiah
Hill, EllaC.
Hill, Juanita Sweat
Hill, Maggie Elizabeth
Hill, Sr.Walter
Hill, Virginia M.
Hills, Benjamin F.
Hinton-Martin, Naomi Spicer
Hinton, John Otto
Hinton, Shirley Ann
Holly, Helena
Holmes, Annie
Horsey, Maddie
Howard, Annabelle Kent
Howard, Rev.Thomas David
Hurd, Cynthia
Hutchinson, Ozena O.W.
Hutchinson, Raymond
Ingram, Ventris
Jackson, Cornelia Mae
Jackson, Susie
Jefferson, Joyce
Jenkins, Carrie
Johnson Sr., Elwood Kenneth
Johnson, Dorothy Evelyn Wilson
Johnson, Dorothy Wilson
Johnson, Elwood Kenneth
Johnson, Minnie Ola
Johnson, Mother Laverne
Johnson, Oscar Lee
Johnson, Samuel Lee
Jones-Bonneau, Marcia Faye
Jones-Thomas, Joyce Elaine
Jones, Anita Louise
Jones, Edward
Jones, Lucilee Hope
Jones, Warren Anthony
Keaton, Earnestine
Kelly Sr., Frank
Kelly, Dr.Ronald
Kelly, Lucy Callens
Kelly, Mary
Kelly, Ronald
Kirkland Sr., Davis
Kyle, Mary Dean Alexander
Kyle, Nicholas Earl
Lampkin, Leontyne
Lance, Ethe lLee
Latta, Ethel Louise
Latta, Fred
Latta, Marshall Moses
Latta, Robert
Lawhorn, Dorothy Lee Tidwell
Lee, Bertha
Lee, Brandon Carrington
Lee, General Washington
Lee, Nannie Carrington
Lewis, Kristina Pierce
Lindsey, Bernice Joyner
Lowe, Vance Wright
Lutz Jr., Ralph N.
Machava, Cecilia
Macklin, Adlena
Macklin, Albert
Malone, Fred
Mance, Christine Lindsay
Mance, Georgia
Mance, Priestly Jasper
Marks, Earl N.
Martin, John
Martin, John Otto
Martin, Naomi Spicer-Hinton
Mayberry, Charles E.
Mayfield, Allen
Mayfield, Madison
Mayfield, Maggie
Mccarther, Harriet
McCorkle, Charles
McCorkle, Margaret
McCorkle, Steven
McCorkle, Wilson
Mcghee, Kenneth W.
McLellan Jr., Robert Lee
McNair, Denise
Mgwani, Terri Sheppard
Middleton-Doctor, Rev. Depayne
Miller, Michael
Mitchem, Ruth Cassels
Montgomery, Almetha Jones
Moon, Jaie
Moore, Drusilla
Moore, Fitzgerald
Moore, LaVerne Jackson
Moore, Oscar Adolphus
Morgan, CoraA.
Morgan, Leon Roger
Morris, Blondelia S.
Mosby, Darlene
Mosby, Douglas
Mosby, Kenneth
Mosby, William
Neely, William
Nelson, Naomi
Newbill Simmons, Constance Rachel
Newbill, Wiburn McKinley
Nicholas, McCalister H.
Nixon, Julia McGirt
Oates Stephens, Mary Margaret
Oates, Fred Willie
Oates, George Franklin
Oates, J. Rome
Oates, Leola Castle
Oates, Limuel Wardell
Olayinka, Morenike
Owens, Carol
Owings, Carolyn Tawanna Carter
Parker-Colson, Ola Mae
Parker, Albert
Parkinson, Merriman Frank Cisco Percy
Parson, Jessie
Parson, Joycelyn
Perkins, Margo Valencia
Perkins, Milton
Pfieffle, Ceola Jones
Phillips, Michael B.
Pieh, Sengbeth
Pierce, Catherine Davis
Pinckney, Rev. Clementa
Pogue, Blanche Edith Hunter
Pogue, Henry
Powers, Revbecca Laughter
Preston, Theresa Buckner
Pullen, Jr., Howard Alfred
Quarles, Doris Jean
Quinn, Bishop William Paul
Rawlings, William
Ray, Liane
Richards Sr., Carleton
Robertson, Carole
Robinson, Ann M.
Robinson, Carl Francis
Robinson, Irene
Robinson, Irene Brown
Rowe, Gloria
Sagatelian, Anna
Sanders, Frettie Mae
Sanders, Tywanza
Setton, Michele
Shelby, Calip
Sheppard, Addie Davis
Sheppard, Danny Ray
Sheppard, Lemarque
Simmons, Constance Rachel
Simmons, Rev.Daniel L.
Simpson, Dr. Cohen Thomas
Simpson, Myrtle Chenier
Slay, Calvin E.
Slocum, Harold
Slocum, Tommy
Smith Sr., Leroy
Smith, Claudia J.
Smith, Effie
Smith, Effie White
Smith, Evelyn
Smith, James Franklin
Smith, Ozelle Evie
Solomos, Harry Charles
Spicer, George Jerome
Spicer, Reverend Dr. George H.
Stallworth Sr, Thomas
Stallworth-Bey, Wilbert
Stallworth, Annie Dorel Sanders
Stallworth, Thomas Earl
Stephens, Roddie Walter
Stockley, Rosetta Hinton
Strickland, Kevin
Stripling, Elizabeth
Sweat-Hall, Juanita
Tanner, Almeta Christina Davis
Tearney, Dr.Russell James
Tearney, William Gregory
Thomas, Joyce Elaine Jones
Thomas, Nancy Nicholas
Thompson, Myrah
Tibbs, Sabrina
Toliver, Andrew Stewart
Triplett, Oswald
Tyler, George
Tyler, Joni Henson
Tyler, Margy Chapman
Tyler, McAllister
Tyndell, AdaMae
Varnado-Lampkin, Kaiyn
Washington, Donald
Washington, Geneva
Washington, Geneva C.
Washington, John
Wesley, Cynthia
West, Mary
Whetstone, Freeman
Whitaker, Chester Mack
Whitaker, Hazel Lee
White, Alex
White, William
Whittaker, Clarence Edward
Whittaker, Clarence Wdward
Wiggins, Joe Richard
Wiggins, Yvonne
Wilkerson Sr., Thomas George
Williams, Christine Spicer
Williams, Essie Mae
Williams, Harriet
Williams, Irene Hinton
Williams, Louise Hinton
Williams, Mary Ann
Williams, Nelson
Williams, Rev. Andrew
Williams, Vera Frances
Wilson-Hutchinson, Ozena Oates
Wilson, Almus
Wilson, Bobby
Wilson, Helen
Wilson, Junie Mae
Wilson, Mary Lee
Wilson, Moses
Wilson, Viola Jones
Wojcik, Elaine Lee
Young, Manolia Davis
Olive Branch Community Church is not responsible for verifying the demise of any person named on its Memorial Stone Wall. OBCC relies exclusively on the names as spelled by donors and no efforts will be made by OBCC to review probate court records, historical texts, funeral programs, church or mortuary records, hospital or nursing home files, obituary columns, tomb stones, museum or archive collections, or any other official or unofficial documents or symbols evidencing death. OBCC reserves the right to refrain from listing on its Memorial Stone Wall any name or nickname which it deems, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate for publication on its Christian website and donations for such listings will be refunded.
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