“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”
Joshua 24:15 NIV
Declaring your family under the supremacy of Christ is one of the best declarations you will ever make.
Joshua was a great leader in many ways. As a military leader,
he was second to none on the battlefield. He was a world-class political leader. He was also the spiritual leader of his family. He set the bar high. Before his death, he declared the alignment of his family fully under the Lord God Almighty. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Have you declared the supremacy of Christ over your life and your family?
You may never command armies like Joshua, nor conquer enemies like Joshua, nor lead a nation like Joshua, but you can align your life under Christ like Joshua.
To make the family declaration, “we serve the Lord,” is a powerful starting point. If it is in your heart to do so, make declaration today.
Be Encouraged!
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